Shameless Bragging!

MEDICAL - Local Hospital, Major Chiropractic College and Clinic, Chiropractic Clinics in several locations local/nationwide, Massage Therapy School, Plastic Surgeon

HOME FURNISHINGS - Floorcovering Store (2), Specialty High Quality Furniture Store (multiple locations), Audio-Video Equipment Co.

FINANCIAL - Local Bank, East Coast Bank, Credit Union

BROADCAST - Local Cable System, Cable System in the Midwest

RETAIL - Jewelry Store, Dry Cleaners, Shipping and Packing Retail Store, Gift Shop, Floral Shop (multiple locations) Sports Store, Cabinet Company, Pizza Store (multiple locations), Quad City Retail Mall, Local Auto Dealers

SPECIAL EVENTS - Rod & Custom Auto Show, Rock Concert and Boat Race, Hydroplane Boat Race, East Coast Regatta, Motorcycle Weekend Event, John Deere Commons Grand Opening, New Car Show

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - Attorney Group, General Contractor, General Contractor/Builder/ Remodel/Insurance Repair, Commercial Real Estate Developer, Heating and Air Conditioning Contractor, Business Equipment Company, Non-Profit Service Organization (2), Internet Service , Document Conversion Company, United States Treasury/United States Military, Computer Consulting Firm

OTHER - Community School District, Corrugated Adhesive Company

COULD WE HELP YOU? YOU BET! We have served almost every category which validates our history and experience.

IS AN AGENCY TOO SMALL OR TOO BIG? Probably not and probably!